

One of my favorites.

  • 1.5 cups of palak 1
  • 1.5 cups of uncooked dal
  • 3 cups of water (for the dal)
  • 6 green chilis2
  • 3 red chilis3
  • 1 tsp haldi4
  • 2 tbsp of salt
  • 1 tsp methi powder5 or methi6
  • A penny-sized amount of hing7
  • 1 stalk of karepak
  • 1 inch of soaked chinch 8
  • 1 tbsp rice flour (optional)
  • mohra9
  • oil

1. Cook then mash 1.5 cups of uncooked dal, with 2:1 water:dal ratio, on bean mode in the instapot for 25 minutes.
2. Add oil on medium heat and add penny-size size of hing7.
3. Add 1 - 1.5 cups of palak1 and sautee on medium.
4. Add shown amount of soaked chinch8 to a bowl, and squish with hand in bowl with water.
5. Strain chinch water and remove pulpy fiber. Add the brown chinch water to palak sautee.
6. Add 1 teaspoon haldi4, two tablespoons salt.
6. Add pre-cooked dal and cook for a while.
7. Add one tablespoon of methi powder5. If methi available is not powdered6, add to below ponhi instead.
8. Prepare ponhi10 with mohra9, 3 red chilis3, 6 green chilis2, and one strand of karepak.
9. Add to palak when green chilis start to turn white.
10. Optional Add one tablespoon of rice flour to water, and mix with ambatbhaji. This makes it thicker but more bland.
11. Cook on low for atleast 15 minutes. Done.